Monday, October 26, 2015

Okarito Trig Walk - or - One Hell Of A Good Spot For Lunch

When I first got to Fox a departing staff member told me that the view from the Okarito Trig Walk was one of the best easily accessible views that she had seen in all of New Zealand. I'd already been gobsmacked by the view from Gillespies Beach so of course this meant I couldn't wait to go and check out how it was possible to get an even better view.

 It helped that the day I decided to go was another West Coast special, a superb bluebird sky day. The Trig walk is only an hour and a half return with a steady rise up a hill to get to the viewpoint. Of course I had to stop several times to catch my breath haha but apart from that it was still reasonably easy track, and so worth it!

View to the left of Okarito lagoon and settlement

View to the right of bays and coastal walks
The coolest thing about this view is that it is hidden from you right up until you pop out of the forest at the viewpoint, and them BAM! Jaw. Dropping.

You stand on a hilltop with forest at your back, coast views to your left and right, and the alps spread out in front of you as far as the eye can see. It really is incredible.

Two panorama shots can barely do it justice

Franz Josef Glacier with Mt. Cook at the right hand side
I had brought lunch with me after planning to be exploring all day, but while sitting here trying to take everything in, I thought that there isn't many better places to have lunch at. So I did. I ate my sandwich, at not even 10.30am, and thought - life: you are pretty damn awesome sometimes.

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