Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A few little catch up bits and pieces of Cork life so far

Can't quite believe it's nearly the end of September already...

I've been hearing this cool song a lot on the radio and had no idea it was local until I saw the video - filmed in Fitzgerald Park in Cork, the park where I work!

There was fantastic weather in the first couple of weeks of September (as soon as the schools and university started back). But now the leaves are changing colour, the evenings and mornings are much chillier and the sun is all of a sudden setting at 7.30pm instead of about 9.30/10 - Autumn has definitely arrived...

I went to go and see a band called The Eastern who are from Lyttelton in New Zealand and were playing a few free gigs all the way over here in Cork. There was just the lead guy with his guitar and two girls on a violin and a banjo, playing in a tiny bar. I'd never really gotten around to seeing them back home but they are really great live!

Decided not to make my birthday a big deal this year and celebrated turning 26 with just lunch and reading a book for a few hours at a cute cafe. My brilliant sisters also made an awesome birthday video for me which I absolutely loved - it totally made my day!

Cork has an annual 'Culture Night,' this year on Friday 19th September. There were over 100 interesting things happening around the city, with all sorts of buildings and businesses open till 10pm - like art galleries, artists' studios, exhibitions, historic places, and all sorts of other stuff. There was an outdoor cinema set up in Fitzgerald's Park and my work opened late with speciality food - though unfortunately the weather didn't play along (downpours all evening!) and the turnout wasn't great. I still went and had a tour of a print making workshop/artists' studios located in an old mill, before heading to a little art exhibition in the office of a local newspaper. I then met my friend Mara at the English Market, which had all the stalls open late and a couple of bands playing in the aisles. There was heaps of food and drink on offer with a lot of stalls selling yummy platefuls of things made with their produce. We both got a huge cheese plate with crackers, figs and grapes, and a glass of wine; then went back and got a brownie and another wine...then got handed a free glass of wine as we were standing next to the same stall as they were closing up, and they'd poured too many! Bonus!

I'm still working part time but have four shifts a week now. From October the park is reducing it's hours down to 10-5 instead of 9-8 or so, so everyone's hours are changing around. I'm very grateful that I still have my four shifts and am still really loving working there - I work with lots of cool people and we have had lots of good nights out drinking together. Less than two months till I'm home now as well, wooo!!!

Some random photos from the last month or two:

View of Cork from Patrick's Hill

Enjoying a quiet drink in the afternoon sun at Fransiscan Well before the after work crowds came

The walk to Fota Gardens goes behind the wildlife park, right past the tiger enclosure!

Fota House

Gardens at Fota House

Gardens at Fota House
Awesome graffiti in Cork

Enjoying the sunsets from my room

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