Today I went to a job interview. Nothing unusual about that, except that it was for a door-to-door fund raising sales job. I thought I'd at least go along to an interview, maybe give it a go for a month - harassing people for money in their own home can't be that hard right?
I got to have a pretty good look around Dublin through staying a night there either side of my trip home. It's a 3 hour bus trip between Cork and Dublin so it was a lot easier to get to and from Dublin airport from closer by.
Long haul flights are not exactly the most fun ever, no matter how many new movies are on the in-seat console or how cute the meals look in their multiple tiny plastic containers (or how cute the guy across the aisle from you is either). So I thought I might share a few of the flight and airport related tips I've picked up so far with it being fresh in my mind after my recent Ireland - New Zealand and back trip.
My first post of a new year! Thought I'd do a run down of my plans (or dreams?) for when I leave Ireland. All too soon my one year visa for Ireland will be coming to an end - June 3rd 2015 - after which I will be let loose on the rest of Europe. So much to do! So much to see! Where to go first? Where to go next? How long can I stay? What if I miss something? How will I afford it?